Cheapest LiFePO4 Cells in the Philippines
This is a list of LiFePO4 Cells that I ranked based on their price/watt hour.
These are raw cells without any BMS and needs to be assembled before you can use it.
If you are looking for ready to use solar batteries just click here

1. Sinopoly 90Ah
Price: ₱5,500
Price/Wh: ₱4.77
Capacity: 90Ah
Info: Really good and cheap as long as you take care of it
Watch Review: Sinopoly 90Ah Review
Buy here: Lazada | Shopee

2. CALB 100Ah
Price: ₱6,500
Price/Wh: ₱5.07
Capacity: 100Ah
Watch Review: CALB 100Ah Review
Buy here: Lazada | Shopee

3. DSP LiFePO4 32650 6Ah
Price: ₱100
Price/Wh: ₱5.20
Capacity: 6Ah
Watch Review: 32650 Tests
Buy here: Shopee

4. BYD 12v 250Ah
Price: ₱17,500
Price/Wh: ₱5.38
Capacity: 250Ah
Watch Review: BMS Installation and Capacity Testing
Buy here: Lazada | Shopee

5. S168 60Ah
Price: ₱4,500
Price/Wh: ₱5.85
Capacity: 70Ah
Tested Capacity: 60Ah
Watch Review: S168 Review
Buy here: Lazada | Shopee

6. AllDIY CATL 40Ah
Price: ₱3,250
Price/Wh: ₱6.19
Capacity: 40Ah
Tested Capacity: 41Ah
Buy here: Lazada

8. Great Power 100ah
Price: ₱2,340
Price/Wh: ₱7.31
Capacity: 100Ah
Watch Review: Great Power 100ah Review
Buy here: Lazada | Shopee